Leadership Matters: A Tom Brady Case Study

In episode 20 of The Science of Personality Podcast, Ryne and Blake talk about 7-time Super Bowl Champion Tom Brady, his approach to leadership, and why leadership matters. More specifically, this episode explores what separates good leaders from great leaders.

Money & Motivation

In episode 19 of The Science of Personality Podcast, Ryne and Blake are joined by world-renowned personality psychologist, Dr. Adrian Furnham, to discuss money & motivation. Individuals approach money in a variety of ways, whether it’s in the home, at work, or just in everyday life. This is a topic Adrian has written about extensively, including his book “The New Psychology of Money.”

Personality & Team Effectiveness

In episode 18 of The Science of Personality Podcast, Ryne and Blake are joined by Hogan Manager & Senior Consultant Dr. Erin Laxson to discuss personality & team effectiveness. Teams are obviously an integral part of all organizations, but their overall success depends heavily on how effectively they operate and who is leading them.

The Bright Side of Neuroticism

In episode 17 of The Science of Personality Podcast, Ryne and Blake are joined by Gillian Hyde, Chief Psychologist at Psychological Consultancy Ltd., to discuss the bright side of neuroticism. Neurotics are often viewed negatively from an occupational standpoint, but there are also several positive characteristics to attribute to them that are often overlooked.

2020 Derailers of the Year

In episode 16 of The Science of Personality Podcast, Ryne and Blake look back on a crazy year and give out awards for the “2020 Derailers of the Year.”

Personality, Culture, and Generational Differences

In episode 15 of The Science of Personality Podcast, Ryne and Blake are joined by San Diego State Professor of Psychology, Dr. Jean Twenge, to discuss personality, culture, and generational differences. It’s no secret that today’s generation has grown up with access to more technology than previous generations, but how is that shaping their personality development?

What Organizations Get Wrong About Leadership

In episode 14 of The Science of Personality Podcast, Ryne and Blake are joined by Hogan Assessments CEO, Dr. Scott Gregory, to talk about what organizations get wrong about leadership. Most academic literature simply defines a leader as someone who is in a leadership role, while Hogan defines a leader as someone who can build, manage, and sustain a high-performing team.

HR & Talent Management Fads

In episode 13 of The Science of Personality Podcast, Ryne and Blake are joined by Marc Effron, President & Founder of The Talent Strategy Group and Publisher of Talent Q Magazine. From gamified assessments to neuroscience, this episode covers some the latest fads and trends in HR and talent management, and also what we might see on the horizon.

The Personality of Successful Entrepreneurs

In episode 12 of The Science of Personality Podcast, Ryne and Blake are joined by Dr. Jennifer Tackett, Professor and Director of Clinical Psychology at Northwestern University, to discuss the personalities of successful entrepreneurs. Using the Hogan Leadership Forecast Series, Dr. Tackett and her colleague Melissa Kaufman, Executive Director of The Garage at Northwestern University, have identified a variety of characteristics successful entrepreneurs have that set them apart from the rest.

8 Most Common Personality Types

In episode 11 of The Science of Personality Podcast, Ryne and Blake discuss the 8 most common personality types identified via the Hogan suite of personality assessments: Rebels, Marketers, Proletarians, Congenials, Over-Achievers, Networkers, Misfits, and Preppers.